How To Use Metaport

5 min readNov 25, 2022


The launch of Metaport, SKALE’s interchain widget, enables users to transfer tokens seamlessly between different SKALE Chains, instantly and with zero gas costs — enabling a series of separate chains to act as a single, unified ecosystem.

We have now integrated Metaport directly into the Ruby.Exchange website, allowing anyone to move tokens around the SKALEVERSE from Ruby’s UI!

This guide explains how Metaport works, using the example of transferring ETH from the Europa SKALE Chain to the Calypso Chain, where NFTrade, a multichain NFT marketplace, has just launched.

Bridging ETH From Ethereum Mainnet To Europa

If you don’t already have ETH on the Europa SKALE Chain, you’ll need to start by transferring some across the mainnet Bridge.

Simply enter the amount you want to bridge to Europa in the box, then click TRANSFER and confirm the transaction in MetaMask.

Bridging assets from Ethereum mainnet to Europa takes just a few minutes.

Transferring tokens from mainnet to Europa takes just a few minutes. You’ll need to pay some gas, because it requires a transaction on Ethereum L1. (The Gas Wallet holds ETH to pay gas when exiting the bridge on L1, and is only required when bridging from Europa back to Ethereum mainnet. You can find more information in our blog, How To Bridge And Swap On Ruby.Exchange.)

Once tokens have been bridged to Europa, all transfers within and between SKALE Chains are gasless and near-instant.

Fuel Up Your Wallets

SKALE Chains use sFuel to pay for transactions. Every operation on any SKALE Chain requires sFuel, but the token has no market value and can be obtained for free. This step only needs to be carried out once, because a little sFuel goes a long way.

You can fuel up your wallet on the Europa Chain by using the sFuel faucet on Ruby.Exchange. You’ll need to be connected to Europa to see this button.

Connect to Europa with MetaMask to use the sFuel faucet.

Alternatively, you can fuel up several chains at once, including Europa and Calypso, by using the multi-fuel station developed by SKALE community members Dirt Road Dev.

Dirt Road Dev’s fuel station supports multiple SKALE Chains.

Once you’ve fueled up your SKALE wallet, you’re ready to use Metaport.

A Step-By-Step Guide To Metaport

You’ll see the Metaport lightning bolt icon at the top right corner of the Ruby.Exchange website.

When you click the icon, Metaport will open in the bottom right of the page.

Use the dropdown menus to select the SKALE Chain from which you want to send tokens, and then the destination chain — in this instance, Europa and Calypso. You’ll automatically be prompted to switch to the sending chain, if you’re not already connected to it, using MetaMask.

If you do not have sFuel on the destination chain, you can click the orange sFuel link, which will send you to (However, you do not need sFuel on the receiving chain to send tokens, only to use them once they have arrived.)

Once you have chosen your source and destination chains, you will be able to select an asset from a list of supported tokens.

Transferring ERC20 tokens like USDC takes just two steps: One to approve the token for use with Metaport, and another to make the transfer. When you are transferring ETH across chains, two additional steps are required. This is because ETH is a special case and, just like on Ethereum mainnet, needs to be wrapped so that it can be treated as a regular ERC20 token.

Enter the amount of ETH you want to wrap for transfer and click APPROVE WRAP, then click WRAP and confirm with MetaMask.

Now, click APPROVE TRANSFER, and finally click the TRANSFER button and confirm again with MetaMask.

A red check mark will be displayed when the transfer is complete, which should take no longer than one confirmation (a few seconds).

Your ETH will now be available on the Calypso Hub SKALE Chain, and can be used to buy NFTs on NFTrade.

You can check that they have arrived by switching chains using the double arrow icon between origin and destination chains; they will be displayed in your balance for that chain/asset. Alternatively, open MetaMask and switch to the target chain. (If the token id is not automatically recognized by MetaMask, you will need to import this manually for the token balance to be displayed.)


Here at Ruby, we’re very excited at the launch of Metaport, and the ability it gives us to list tokens from all over the SKALE network. As of now, SKALE is no longer a collection of independent chains: It is a single, interconnected ecosystem. Stay tuned, because the first listings are coming soon.

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Gasless, NFT-powered AMM/Dual DEX on the SkaleNetwork !